Flavia Mazzanti

Flux Selves

What sort of unknown creatures are looking out at us through the display windows of the Community Center TRÖSCH III? They do have human-like traits but by the same token they also feature organic webs of varying colours and structures. Flavia Mazzanti’s work Flux Selves, created especially for the exhibition, explores the concept of the self and its dynamic relationship to the environment beyond a binary, humancentric perspective. The self is understood as an ‘extended network’, a continually changing structure formed through interaction with the environment, one that cannot be conceived of independently of these relationships with the outside world. The term ‘flux’ (from the Latin fluxus) in the exhibition title therefore refers to the state of continual change that is particular to all living beings.

The artist has deliberately opted for portraits as the form of expression, a genre that puts the human likeness centre stage. Mazzanti’s protagonists are part of an ecosystem based on a symbiosis of human beings, animals, plants, fungi and microorganisms as well as man-made elements. They are all interconnected in such an essential way that it is impossible to separate them from one another.

Each of the portraits tells a different story, drawing on speculative, fictional and personal tales and lending voice to both human and non-human subjects. The artist herself grew up between European and South American cultures and narratives, and so the project is not least a personal reflection on the significance of the environment in shaping our identity and our development.

Flux Selves imagines post-anthropocentric scenarios of our present and future, based on the coexistence of all extant species. The artist’s aim is to contribute to an alternative understanding of our being in, and with, the world.

* 1994 in Italy, lives and works in Vienna.

VR-INSTALLATION von Manuel Bonell, Flavia Mazzanti, Imani Rameses, Michael Bonell

Die VR-Installation Neuro-Traces kreiert ein personalisiertes virtuelles Raumdesign auf Basis des individuellen Wohlbefindens. Das Projekt untersucht, wie Raum als aktives Element im Dialog mit Besucher:innen betrachtet werden kann. Cℓose/d präsentiert eine eigene VR-Version.
→ FR 6.10. – SO 8.10. 11:00 – 19:00
Keine Anmeldung oder Vorkenntnisse erforderlich

Workshop with Flavia Mazzanti and Manuel Bonell (Immerea)

Der Workshop findet statt im Rahmen der VR-Installation Neuro-Traces, welche von 06.-08.10.2023 im TRÖSCH III - Community Center des KUNST HAUS WIEN zu sehen und auszuprobieren ist.
→ FRI 6.10. 15:00 – 18:00

In her interdisciplinary works Flavia Mazzanti deals with the social, spatial and ecological contexts of bodies and identities. The artist addresses these from a post-anthropocentric perspective, describing them as social constructs shaped by their urban, natural and material environment. Her new series of digital artworks in the windows of Trösch III imagines alternative scenarios based on the coexistence of all species.

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